Return of the King-Reflection on Mathew 21:1-11
This post is a reflection I shared in chapel at the continuing care facility I work in for Palm Sunday. I’m sure that most of us have watched or can remember watching a military parade. Some may remember the victory parades after WW2. I can remember the parades after the First Gulf War. The returning army marching in all their glory. The Commanders, with their glistening medals and badges proudly leading the parades. I remember that when I was in high school, I fell in love with American history; specifically Civil War history after watching the movie Gettysburg and then visiting the battlefield. I think I have been there at least 5 times, not that I was counting. But what drew me in was the regalia of military pomp and circumstance. The drama of the victory, and defeat. I mean who doesn't like a good story about a victorious warrior marching into his city to the cheer, and adoration of the people. It can be very moving. (more so maybe if you are on...