Salt and Light
I based this post on a familiar
scripture from Mathew.(5:13-20) Familiar even if you haven’t read it because of the song
based on it, “This little light of mine.” This little light of mine, I'm gonna
let it shine, Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine. Hide it under a bushel,
no! I’m gonna let it shine. We have all sung the lyrics to the familiar hymn.
How many of us have relegated this to the children's sermon. Along with Jesus
loves me. It’s ok, you can raise your hand. It falls in the larger section that
is the Sermon on the Mount. There, Christ speaks of those who are blessed, but
in our passage today he continues on what the responsibilities of those who are
blessed is.
Our passage
falls after the well-known beatitudes, where Jesus expounds on who is blessed.
It is Christ’s rule for how those who are blessed should live. Their lives are
meant to be transformed but this is not a simple list of rules. He calls the
disciples to be Salt and light. Today’s passage comes in the middle of Jesus’ Sermon
on the Mount. A sermon that was most likely preached to his disciples, but
heard by the larger crowd on that hill. Jesus begins by saying that his
disciples were to be like the salt of the earth. Think about it. Salt, for much
of human history, and Jesus time is no exemption, was used to preserve food
just as much to flavor it. Granted salt in Jesus time was not always pure, and
could lose its taste and effectiveness. Salt, in of itself is not a really
effective substance, unless it is applied to something. Jesus is telling his disciple
that they are no good unless they are applied to each other, unless they are
added to those around them to preserve and enhance each other.
Jesus goes
on to encourage his disciples to be a light unto the world. Just as you
wouldn't hide your lamp under a bushel or bush, why would you not let your
light, the light of Christ shine? Oil lamps in the ancient world were the only
source of light after dark, and had to be maintained overnight. It would be
foolish to light one and then hide it. It literally was the only brightness
shining in the darkness.
So what do Salt and Light have to do
with each other, and why is Jesus talking about them to his disciples. Salt purifies, it preserves and it flavors.
Light is meant to be seen, it guides us, and it can warn us. If we are to be
people of integrity and shine forth the light of Christ, we must be people who
live by God’s commandments, not allowing for those around us to see us without
integrity. Too often I heard in my work as a college chaplain in Iowa that
people chose to not gather for worship with us because of the hypocrisy and
lack of integrity they saw from the church as a whole. Jesus warns us of this in our passage today,
that even in breaking of the least of his commandments, we teach others to do
likewise. We must stand firm in our faith in the commandments and the integrity
of the cross so that those looking in from outside the church can learn that we
are living, striving for the promise and hope that is in Christ. Our lives shine
for the world, good or bad. We are to stand firm in Christ and let our lives
reflect that. Love and not law is the rule of the kingdom of God. Christ calls
us to live and act in love. When we read
the Gospel of John, we are assured of the True light that came to enlighten the
world. Just as John the Baptist did, we are called to testify to that True
light, the Light of Jesus.
Our lives
shine for the world, good or bad. We are to stand firm in Christ and let our
lives reflect that. Out of Darkness came the Light of Christ on the cross. When
we walk and talk in the integrity of the Cross, we allow the light of Christ to
shine through all of us and be an influence to all around us. If we can lead on
person out of the darkness into the warmth of the Grace of Christ we can
influence them for a lifetime.
I encourage all of you, let your light shine. BE that City on
the hill, be a guiding light to anyone you meet, letting your light strengthen
and purify you and the world.
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